Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I have forgotten my downline’s account. How can I retrieve it?
- In order to retrieve the account of another member, you’ll be required to provide us an authorization letter signed by the owner of the account and at least 1 valid ID photocopy with a 3 specimen signatures.
Q. How can I retrieve my account’s password?
- You’ll be required to provide at least 1 valid ID that matches the account’s information, also with the email/username. You may also provide us the member code, for us to identify and verify the account. And once the verification is complete, you need to set up a new password to update the account’s password.
- You may use reset password form online.
Q. My reference code is invalid, it says code does not exist. How can I validate it?
- Provide us the Ref code and we will check if it is already in use or if it is still available for encoding.
-If the REF code is still not in use, please provide us the receipt image of the code. and the pin that you have encoded; to compare the receipt picture and the pin code that you have given.
Q. I mistakenly encoded a wrong position on my account, can I undo it?
- As part of our system protocol, and advised by the Head I.T, we are prohibited to process changing of positions. Once it is encoded to a certain position, it will be final and cannot be changed.
Q. I forgot to include a suffix on my account’s name. how can I add it?
- The only way to fix this issue, is through CORRECTION OF ENTRY, you can obtain a correction of entry form from our cashiers. The requirements to have a correction of entry are the following: 1 valid ID, with 3 specimen signatures, an affidavit and a 100php (per account) processing fee receipt to be paid to our cashiers.
Q. Why aren’t my wallet funds updated when I recently have had my wealth accumulated, referral bonus & total match sales updated on the dashboard?
- Every 12 hours, all wealth accumulated, referral bonus, and total match sales will be transferred to your overall wallet funds. The transfers occur every 12:00 pm and 12:00 am.
Q. How can I upgrade my trial package account to a Gr8 package account?
- To upgrade, you must have purchased an additional 2-trial packages and top-up the codes on the genealogy page. Select the specific account that you want to upgrade, and the system will ask you for 2 trial package codes.
Q. How can I upgrade my commission deduction account to a Gr8 package account?
- To upgrade, you must have a gr8 package reference code, and request an upgrade CD to Paid account form from the cashiers. They will ask you to email the reference code, the request form and the receipt of the code to [email protected].
Q. How can I encash all my wallet funds?
-Request payout on your account and select the certain branch location. Encashment happen every Tuesday & the releasing of cheques happen every Thursday.
Q. I have encoded an account; however, it says crossline detected.
- You may encode a similar identity on a different distributor’s account, kindly coordinate with the I.T personnel to investigate the issue.